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Spiritual Advisor of Manjusri Education Association 

Venerable Shinhong Shih

Our Dharma teacher is Venerable Shinhong Shih. When he left his family and renounced as a monk, he sincerely prayed for the blessings of the Buddhas and Boddhisattvas, and made the Four Great Vows. In particular, he devoted his life to fulfilling the vows of “Sentient beings are endless,

I vow to liberate them” and “the Dharma teachings are countless, I vow to learn them”. In the past thirty over years as a monk, he has tirelessly visited various countries to diligently learn the teachings of the Three Vehicles in Buddhism, delving into the Sutras, and has developed a deep understanding.

After Venerable Shinhong Shih returned to Taiwan, his home country, in 2002, he accepted the request of many Buddhist followers and devoted himself to the spreading of the Dharma to benefit sentient beings. In May 2002, he started giving talks about from important teaching in Buddhism, Shantideva’s “The Way of the Boddhisattva” at the Buddha Educational Foundation in Taipei. He used various skilful means and analogies to illustrate the profound Buddhadharma and helped his students to understand how to systematically learn the Buddhist sutras and texts, as well as develop the Right View in Buddhism. After that, he progressively guided his students to diligently practise the three non-contaminated learning paths of listening, contemplation and practice. Finally, he guided them to apply the pure Dharma in daily life.

Those who listened to the teachings developed great joy and started to come regularly to attend Shifu’s teachings and put them into practice.

In the process, they arose strong commitment to the complete Dharma and developed strong faith, vows, and practice. Since then, Buddhist organizations and devotees around the world such as from Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia, New Zealand, Australia and the United States, have repeatedly invited Venerable Shinhong Shih to travel to spread the proper Dharma and benefit sentient beings.

In end 2004, Venerable Shinhong Shih observed that the internal and external conditions were ripe to propagate the teachings of the Buddhas. Hence on 21 December in Taipei, he formally set up Samye Buddhist Association (SBA). He also designed and set up multi-purpose facilities in SBA such as a library, multimedia viewing room, etc. Further, Venerable Shinhong Shih understood that in view of technological advances, it is necessary in future to tap into the boundless Internet world to spread the Dharma faster to benefit more beings. Thus, all of SBA’s members currently devote their time and effort outside of work to set up and maintain SBA’s website. This will help Buddhists from around the world to access the precious teachings and practise diligently, regardless where they live.

To benefit limitless sentient beings in boundless space, and to establish a simple and pure place where the proper Dharma can reside, Venerable Shinhong Shih has been regularly conducting Dharma talks at SBA for years. He also leads the members in common practice sessions, Dharma discussions, and conducting other activities to contribute to the Dharma and other beings. This is in the hope of establishing a Buddhist organization which follows the proper path of Dharma practice and learning, like a lighthouse of Dharma in the darkness, to invoke the Great Compassionate Vows of the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas in attracting more Buddhists to learn the proper Dharma and practise diligently. Such a lighthouse of Dharma will not only benefit Buddhists in Taiwan, but through the Internet, also endlessly fulfill the wishes of Buddhists around the world to learn more about the Dharma.

Venerable Shinhong Shih uses his pure actions, speech and mind to completely accumulate the trainings of morality, concentration and wisdom and practise diligently the six perfections and other Buddhist practices. He is very wise and well-versed in many areas of knowledge and with boundless Bodhicitta, tirelessly teaches the Dharma as well as supporting the precious Dharma teachings and Triple Gems through donations. At the same time, he contributes funds to various monasteries’ medical and construction expenses around the world, as well as to schools for monks and nuns, and retreat centres. He joyfully encourages all sentient beings to accumulate merits on our path to Buddhahood. One example of his efforts to help sentient beings is his trip to Nepal, to provide free medical services for the needy monks and residents.

As Venerable Shinhong Shih teaches, “the bigger the capacity of our mind, the stronger our vows will be, the bigger the challenges that we have to overcome, but also the more merits that we will accumulate, and the greater extent that our true nature will manifest." Venerable Shinhong Shih often painstakingly reminds all of us to continuously make great vows and learn all the proper Dharmas of the various Buddhas; to bring forth our right awareness and right mindfulness daily to diligently transform the defiled thoughts and habits in our minds, and frequently arise the wishes of renunciation and Bodhicitta; and diligently practise meditation (shamatha and vipassana) and develop prajna paramita. Lastly, within this life, not only will we subdue our defilements and negative habits, and further realize the ultimate truth – the transcendental wisdom of interdependent arising and emptiness of nature -- finally and surely, progress towards achieving Buddhahood for ourselves as well as guiding others towards Buddhahood.


我們的精神導師 | 心宏法师 

我们的讲经法师,心宏师父,舍离亲属出家时,即殷诚祈祷诸佛菩萨加持,而发广大的四弘誓愿,特别是今生奉献于:「众生无边誓愿度,法门无量誓愿学」 。在过去出家三十余年中,不辞劳辛地参访世界各地,精勤修学三乘教法,深入经藏,对显密的经论,皆能融通无碍。


自2002年师父归国后,因为众多佛弟子的祈请,随即投入弘法利生的佛行事业。 2002年5月起,先于台北、佛陀教育基金会,宣讲印度佛教的重要论著,寂天菩萨的《入菩萨行论》,他以各种善巧方便的譬谕,来解说深奥的佛法。并且深入浅出地,指导学员有系统地学习经论,与建立正确的正知正见。然后,循序渐进地引导学员,精进地修持「闻、思、修」的三无漏学。最后,能将清净的正法,实践于日常生活中。




2004年底,心宏师父细观内外的因缘和合,可以弘扬诸佛的圣教,所以于12月21日在台北,正式成立「桑耶精舍(SBA: Samye Buddhist Association)」。同时,规划多用途的道场硬体,例如设置图书馆、多媒体视厅室等等。进一步,心宏师父深知:现代科技的进步,未来宏法利生,是须透过无国界的网路世界,才能快速圆满佛行事业。所以,桑耶精舍目前全体佛弟子,在工作之余,全心全力投入,架设起SBA网站,以便提供全世界各地莲友,虽然在远距离外的其他国度,也能听闻圣教,精进修法。









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