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About Manjusri Education Association

"Mañjuśrī is a bodhisattva associated with transcendent wisdom. website is set up to promote Mahayana Pureland and Vajrayana Buddhist cultivation.

Through regular group cultivation, under the guidance of our Spiritual Patron, Ven. Shinhong Shih, we hope to develop greater wisdom and compassion to be of benefit to ourselves and beings around us."




Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Ven Shinhong Shih is temporarily unable to come to Singapore to give teachings. Please listen to his talks under “Teachings”. We will update again when Ven Shinhong Shih resumes teaching.

由于 2019 冠状病毒疫情,心宏法师暂时无法前来新加坡弘法。

请到本网页 “Teachings”聆听心宏法师过去的开示。


Three types of habitual tendencies:

Every individual will have habitual tendencies which one had accumulated over infinite eons. Habitual tendencies are habits that have developed into predispositions. These are generally divided into three types of habitual tendencies:

(1) The first type of habit is where the individual would personally realize that he has certain habits.

(2) Others who may know of such habits when even the individual would personally be unaware of them.

(3) There are some habits where both others and the individual are unaware of them in advance. The individual would only realize these hidden habits when the effect of karma allows them to surface.


每一个人都有自己许多无量劫,所累积的习气,"习气" 是今生或多生的习惯,而养成的一种气质。习气可分为三类:

  1. 只有自己知道

  2. 自己不知道而别人知道

  3. 自己与别人,事先都不知道,当业力现前才知道

Dharma Quotes 甘露法语

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